Thursday, October 30, 2008


So just a quick update on the craziness. We signed on our new house yesterday and it should all fund by tomorrow...which is when we will start moving. I have pretty much got everything in the house boxed or packed up. I forgot which day it was today and realized almost an hour and a half late that it was Boston's preschool halloween party. I got him there for the last 30 minutes of it. I felt so bad cause I knew how excited he had been for it all week. It was ok though...he didn't miss any of the fun stuff. I would like to say that I have already taken pictures of the new house, but that would be a complete lie. So hopefully once I can acutally find my camera in this mess I will get some pictures posted....I guess I would have to take them I will get some pictures taken and then post know what I mean.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Good luck. It will all be over soon. :)