Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What a Month.

Im not going to lie. It hasn't been the best month for Jared. First he wrecked his brand new truck and then last week he severed a tendon in his hand while trying to fix my car. He had to have surgery to repair it. It was a couple rough days coming out of the surgery because the meds just do not sit well with Jared. He spent the entire first night home barfing and then the entire second day sleeping off and on, while refusing to take any pain medication because it makes him vomit. Anyway, he made it through the week and when he met with the Dr. and physical therapist on Monday they told him he basically has one shot at this for his hand to heal correctly. Well, he slipped and fell on the ice this morning walking into work and landed right on his hand. Immediately he knew something was wrong. Sure enough....he had re-severed the tendon. The doctor told him he wasn't going to make him any promises because he didn't know what he would be working with until he got in there and saw it. So Jared goes back in for surgery tomorrow. The icing on the cake? I woke up to a poor sick little Kai barfing. Yay. Let's pray that they can fix Jared's hand and that he will have full function when this is all over. Unfortunately it's his right (dominant) hand. :(

1 comment:

Angelique said...

Ohhh, Myca. I'm so sorry. We're praying the second surgery goes well. Poor Kai. Poor you.