Monday, September 07, 2009

New Words.

Tayden has added some new words...and dare I say sentences to his tiny little vocabulary.

Some of the single words are...



"please"...this is amazing because I am always telling him to say please and he never will. But this weekend he finally did it...several times! It sounds a little like "pleee" but unlike most kids he gets the "l" sound with his tongue instead of saying something more like "peeze". It is so cute to watch him use his tongue to pronounce it.

What we hear ALL the time now...and usually he is screaming it is...

"I want that!"....but it usually sounds like, "I wan dat"...pretty darn close....And...

"I'm done!"....this one sounds like, "I duh"....I usually hear him yelling this from the bathtub or at the kitchen table. When he is done he is sure to let us know. Loud and clear.

1 comment:

Michelle Colt said...

Hey, my name is Michelle Colt. My husband Nate and Jared were good friends in high school. I have to admit I was blog hopping and found your blog. It was fun to see your pictures! I just wanted to say hi and let Jared know that Nate has not forgot him. He is so bad at keeping in touch!