Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Tayden's Just "Wheats" Or Should I Say Treats Party.

We had Tayden's 3rd birthday party on Saturday which actually turned out to be is real birthday. When I was planning what to do for his party I decided that I really needed to make a bigger deal about my kid's birthdays. I grew up not really having parties and that sort of thing, and Jared did. So I decided we needed to find a happy medium. Especially after Boston's flop this summer. So I asked Tayden what he wanted to eat and his party and he responded, "um...wheats?" So treats it is. Who doesn't love just eating all sorts of desserts and candy anyway? Here are some shots of the guest of honor. This boy is hilarious. He has so much spunky personality. He is such a joy to have in our home. He keeps us laughing and we all just want to eat him up.

Here are shots from the party. We had a dessert table with cookies, brownies, cupcakes, creampuffs, m&m's, chocolate covered pretzles, and chocolate milk.

Happy birthday little man. We love you so much.

Oh just for my own memory here were Tayden's stats at his 3 year check up.
32 lbs- 54%
38"- 67%

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