Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am SO sick. Man this hit me out of no where. When we got back from Moses Tayden started with a cough, and then Monday night at work I started to cough. Now the past two nights I haven't been able to hardly sleep because I am coughing ALL night. I sound like a man, my head is congested and my throat is so sore. Oh and Boston woke up with it I am guessing both my boys feel as miserable as I do. I am surprised Jared doesn't have this crud. Lucky guy.


Ashley said...

Coughing is no fun...the tesselon pearls work best if you have any..or maybe you could get a prescription...but that kind of sick is hard to get over fast! sorry!!

jenae waters said...

It must be going around. Ethan has had a cough for a week now and one day a fever and then a few days where he threw up. He is all better but can not kick that cough. I am sorry. It is so yucky.

Tom Earl said...

You don't look like a man......that is a good thing!

Stephanie Kay Moore said...

Get better!

Alli Blue said...

I swear me and the kids could have the plague and Jason would not get it! Ugh! I hope you all feel better!